(Trinity College Dublin)
Presentations & Publications
Sinnesael M., Percival L.M.E., Schulz T., Vellekoop J., Goderis S., Daems K., Gao Y., Leermakers M., Montanari A., Coccioni R., Koeberl C., and Claeys P. (2024): Deep marine records of Deccan Trap volcanism before the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction. Geological Society of America Bulletin, published online, https://doi.org/10.1130/B37446.1. (link)
Huang H., Ma C., Kaskar J., Sinnesael M., Farhat M., Hoang N.M., Gao Y., Zeeden C., Zhong H., Hou M., and Wang C. (2024): Geological evidence reveals a staircase pattern in Earth’s rotational deceleration evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 121 (33), e2317051121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2317051121. (link) (pdf)
Parnell-Turner, R., Briais, A. LeVay, L., and the Expedition 395 Scientists (2024): Expedition 395 Preliminary Report: Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate. International Ocean Discovery Program. https://doi.org/10.14379/iodp.pr.395.2024 (link) (pdf)
Laskar J., Farhat M., Lantink M.L., Auclair-Desrotour P., Boué G., and Sinnesael M. (2024): Did atmospheric thermal tides cause a daylength locking in the Precambrian? A review on recent results. Sedimentologika, v. 2(1), 1-15, https://doi.org/10.57035/journals/sdk.2024.e21.1271. (link) (pdf)
Sinnesael M., Millard A.R., and Smith, M.R. (2024): A Bayesian astrochronology for the Cambrian first occurrence of trilobites in West Gondwana (Morocco). Geology, v. 52 (3), 205-209, https://doi.org/10.1130/G51718.1. (link)
Huang H., Zhong, H., Ma C., Sinnesael M., Gao Y., Li Y., Hou M., and Wang C. (2024): A new method to evaluate the power ratio distributions of astronomical signals: A case study from Upper Cretaceous terrestrial sediments. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 136 (7-8), 3377–3390, https://doi.org/10.1130/B37208.1. (link)
Montanari, A., Farley, K., Coccioni, R., Sabatino, N., Bice, D., Yesko, M., Sinnesael, M., and de Winter N.J. (2024): Cosmogenic 3He anomaly K1 vs. the early Campanian isotopic event (ECE) as recorded in pelagic limestones of the Umbria-Marche succession (Italy). Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 136 (3-4), 1753-1767, https://doi.org/10.1130/B36952.1. (link)
Sinnesael M. (2023): Ordovician cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 532(1), published online, doi:10.1144/SP532-2022-31. (link) (pdf)
de Graaff S.J., Percival L.M.E., Déhais T., de Winter N.J., Jansen M.N., Kaskes P., Smit J., Sinnesael M., Vellekoop J., Sato H., Ishikawa A., Spassov S., Claeys P., and Goderis S. (2022): Geochemical records of the end-Triassic Crisis preserved in a deep marine section of the Budva Basin, Dinarides, Montenegro. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 606, 111250, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111250. (link)
Vancoppenolle I., Vellekoop J., Doubrawa M., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Jagt J.W.M., Claeys P., and Speijer R.P. (2022): The benthic foraminiferal response to the mid-Maastrichtian event in the NW-European chalk sea of the Maastrichtian type area. Netherlands Journal of Geoscience, v. 101, e12, doi:10.1017/njg.2022.10. (link) (pdf)
Sinnesael M., Loi A., Dabard M.P., Vandenbroucke T.R.A., and Claeys P. (2022): Cyclostratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Ordovician successions of the Armorican Massif (western France) using portable X-ray fluorescence. Geochronology, v. 4, 251-267, doi:10.5194/gchron-4-251-2022. (link) (pdf)
Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Huygh J., Dehais T., Jagt J.W.M., Speijer R.P., and Claeys, P. (2022): A new age model and chemostratigraphic framework for the Maastrichtian type area (southeastern Netherlands, northeastern Belgium). Newsletters on Stratigraphy, online first, doi:10.1127/nos/2022/0703. (link) (pdf)
Wouters S., Crucifix M., Sinnesael M., Da Silva A.-C., Zeeden C., Zivanovic M., Boulvain F., and Devleeschouwer X. (2022): A decomposition approach to cyclostratigraphic signal processing. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 225, 103894, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103894. (link)
Sinnesael M., McLaughlin P.I., Desrochers A., Mauviel A., De Weirdt J., Claeys P., and Vandenbroucke T.R.A. (2021): Precession-driven climate cycles and timescale prior to the Hirnantian glacial maximum. Geology, v. 49 (11), 1295-1300, doi:10.1130/G49083.1. (link) (pdf)
Nohl T., Steinbauer M.J., Sinnesael M., and Jarochowska E. (2021): Detecting initial aragonite and calcite variations in limestone marl alternations. Sedimentology, v. 68 (7), 3102-3115, doi:10.1111/sed.12885. (link) (pdf)
Goderis S., Sato H., Ferrière L., Schmitz B., Burney D., Kaskes P., Vellekoop J., Wittmann A., Claeys P., de Graaff S.J., Déhais T., de Winter N.J., Elfman M., Feignon J.-G., Ishikawa A., Koeberl C., Kristiansson P., Neal C.R., Owens J.D., Schulz T., Sinnesael M., Vanhaecke F., Van Malderen S.J.M., Bralower T.J., Gulick S.P.S., Lowery C.M., Morgan J.V., Smit J., Whalen M.T., and the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists (2021). Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure. Science Advances, v. 7, eabe3647, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe3647. (link) (pdf)
Da Silva A.-C., Sinnesael M., Claeys P., Davies J.H.F.L., de Winter N.J., Percival L.M.E., Schaltegger U., and De Vleeschouwer D. (2020): Anchoring the Late Devonianmass extinction in absolute time by integrating climatic controls and radio‑isotopic dating. Scientific Reports, 10:12940, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-69097-6. (link) (pdf)
de Winter N.J., Goderis S., Van Malderen S.J.M., Sinnesael M., Vansteenberge S., Snoeck C., Belza J., Vanhaecke F., and Claeys P. (2020): Subdaily‐Scale Chemical Variability in a Torreites Sanchezi Rudist Shell: Implications for Rudist Paleobiology and the Cretaceous Day‐Night Cycle. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, v. 35(2), e2019PA003723, doi:10.1029/2019PA003723. (link)
Mauviel A., Sinnesael M., and Desrochers A. (2020): The stratigraphic and geochemical imprints of Late Ordovician glaciation on far-field neritic carbonates, Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 543, 109579, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109579. (link)
Vansteenberge S., de Winter N.J., Sinnesael M., Verheyden S., Goderis S., Van Malderen S.J.M., Vanhaecke F., and Claeys P. (2020): Reconstructing seasonality through stable isotope and trace element analysis of the Proserpine stalagmite, Han-sur-Lesse Cave, Belgium: indications for climate-driven changes during the last 400 years. Climate of the Past, v. 16, 141-160, doi:10.5194/cp-16-141-2020. (link) (pdf)
Vansteenberge S., de Winter N.J., Sinnesael M., Xueqin Z., Verheyden S., and Claeys P. (2020): Benchtop μXRF as a tool for speleothem trace elemental analysis: Validation, limitations and application on an Eemian to early Weichselian (125–97 ka) stalagmite from Belgium. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 538, 109460, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109460. (link)
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., Batenburg S.J., Da Silva A.-C., de Winter N.J., Dinarès-Turell J., Drury A.J., Gambacorta G., Hilgen F., Hinnov L., Hudson A.J.L., Kemp D.B., Lantink M., Laurin J., Li M., Liebrand D., Ma C., Meyers S., Monkenbusch J., Montanari A., Nohl T., Pälike H., Pas D., Ruhl M., Thibault N., Vahlenkamp M., Valero L., Wouters S., Wu H., and Claeys P. (2019): The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 199, 102965, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102965. (link) (pdf)
De Cort G., Mees F., Renaut R.W., Sinnesael M., Van der Meeren T., Goderis S., Keppens E., Mbuthia A., and Verschuren D. (2019): Late Holocene sedimentation and sodium carbonate deposition in the hypersaline alkaline lake Nasikie Engida, southern Kenya Rift Valley. Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 62(3), 279-300, doi:10.1007/s10933-019-00092-2. (link)
Sinnesael M., Montanari A., Frontalini F., Coccioni R., Gattacceca J., Snoeck C., Wegner W., Koeberl C., Morgan L., de Winter N., DePaolo D., and Claeys, P. (2019): Multiproxy Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event stratigraphy: an Umbria-Marche basin-wide perspective. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 542, 133-158, doi:10.1130/2019.2542(07). (link) (pdf)
Sinnesael M., Zivanovic, M., De Vleeschouwer D., and Claeys P. (2018): Spectral Moments in Cyclostratigraphy: Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to more Classic Approaches. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, , v. 33 (5), 493-510, doi:10.1029/2017PA003293. (link) (pdf)
Sinnesael M., de Winter N., Snoeck C., Montanari A., and Claeys P. (2018): An integrated pelagic carbonate multi-proxy study using portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF): Maastrichtian strata from the Bottaccione Gorge, Gubbio, Italy. Cretaceous Research, v. 91, 20-32, doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2018.04.010. (link) (pdf)
Pas D., Hinnov L., Day J.E., Kodama K., Sinnesael M., and Liu W. (2018): Cyclostratigraphic calibration of the Famennian stage (Late Devonian, Illinois Basin, USA). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 488, 102-114, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.010. (link)
De Vleeschouwer D., da Silva A.-C., Sinnesael M., Chen D., Day J.E., Whalen M.T., Guo Z., and Claeys P. (2017) Timing and pacing of the Late Devonian mass extinction event regulated by eccentricity and obliquity. Nature Communications, v. 8, 2268, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02407-1. (link) (pdf)
de Winter N.*, Sinnesael M.*, Makarova C., Vansteenberge S., and Claeys P. (2017): Trace element analyses of carbonates using portable and micro-X-ray fluorescence: Performance and optimization of measurement parameters and strategies. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 32 (6), 1211-1223, doi:10.1039/c6ja00361c. * Both authors contributed equally. (link) (pdf)
Montanari A., Farley K., Claeys P., De Vleeschouwer D., de Winter N., Vansteenberge S., Sinnesael M., and Koeberl C. (2017): Stratigraphic record of the asteroidal Veritas breakup in the Tortonian Monte dei Corvi section (Ancona, Italy). The Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 129, 1357-1376, doi:10.1130/B31476.1 (link).
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Coccioni R., Claeys P., Frontalini F., Jovane l., Savian J., and Montanari A. (2016): High-resolution multiproxy cyclostratigraphic analysis of environmental and climatic events across the K-Pg boundary in the classic pelagic succession of Gubbio (Italy). Geological Society of America, Special Paper, v. 524, doi:10.1130/2016.2524(09). (link) (pdf)
Sinnesael M., Zivanovic, M., De Vleeschouwer D., Claeys P., and Schoukens, J. (2016): Astronomical component estimation (ACE v.1) by time-variant sinusoidal modeling. Geoscientific Model Development, v. 9, 3517-3531, doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-104. (link) (pdf)
Meeting Abstracts (to be updated):
Wouters S., Arts M., Cicone A., Crucifix M., Da Silva A.-C., Hohmann N., Sinnesael M., and Zeeden C. (2023): Standardising Stratigraphic Data Reporting. IUGG, 11-20 July, 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Huygh J., Sinnesael M., Kaskes P., Vellekoop J., Jagt J., and Claeys P. (2023): Astronomical pacing of flint beds in the European chalk sea (type-Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous). 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, 12-16 June, 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Suzuki T., Parnell-Turner R., Briais A., and Exp. 395C Science Party (2023): Preliminary report of IODP Exp. 395C and the plan of Exp. 395: Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 21-26 May, 2023, Chiba, Japan.
Dodd J.P., Lindsay M., McNamara D.D., Rosenthal Y., Percuoco V.P., Parnell-Turner R., Briais A., LeVay L., and Exp. 395C Science Party (2023): Seawater-basalt interactions and hydrothermal fluid flux along an off-axis transect of the Reykjanes Ridge. AGU Chapman Conference, 15-19 May, 2023, Agros, Cyprus.
Eichenseer L., Sinnesael M., Smith M.R., and Millard A.R. (2023): Dating the first Siberian trilobites with a Bayesian, stratigraphic age model. EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Crucifix M., Hinnov L., Da Silva A.-C., De Vleeschouwer D., Meyers S., Parnell A., Sinnesael M., Westerhold T., and Wouters S. (2023): Advances in Bayesian time series analysis of palaeoclimate data. EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Laskar J., Farhat M., Boué G., Auclair-Desrotour P., Sinnesael M., Gastineau M., and Benjeddou S. (2023): Past evolution of the Earth-Moon system. The AstroGeo tools for geological proxies. EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Satolli S., Di Chiara A., Friedman S., and Exp. 384 and 395C Science Party. Preliminary rock magnetic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results from the Reykjanes Ridge basalts, Atlantic Ocean (IODP Expeditions 384 and 395C). EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Warren F., Gröcke D.R., Smith M.R., and Sinnesael M. (2023): Carbon and nitrogen isotope stratigraphy of the Cambrian SPICE record in the UK. EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Wouters S., Arts M., Cicone A., Crucifix M., Da Silva A.-C., Hohmann N., Sinnesael M., and Zeeden C. (2023): Set in stone? Improvements in stratigraphic data processing and storage. EGU Annual Meeting, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Satolli S., Di Chiara A., Friedman S., and Exp. 384 and 395C participants. Preliminary rock magnetic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results from the Reykjanes Ridge basalts, Atlantic Ocean (IODP Expeditions 384 and 395C). MagIC workshop, 28 February-02 March, San Diego, USA.
Laskar J., Farhat M., Sinnesael M., Boué G., Auclair-Desrotour P., Gastineau M., and Benjeddou S. (2022): The AstroGeo tools for the past evolution of the Earth-Moon system. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2022, Chicago and Online, USA.
Claeys P., Goderis S., Kaskes P., De Graaff S., Dehais T., Sinnesael M., and de Winter N.J. (2022): From Gubbio to Chicxulub: K-Pg iridium anomaly comes full circle. Mediterranean Geosciences Meeting, 27-30 November 2022, Marrakech, Morocco.
Eichenseer K., Sinnesael M., Smith M.R., and Millard A.R. (2022): Quantitative chemostratigraphy of the early Cambrian of the Anti-Atlas, Morocco. The 6th International Palaeontological Congress (IPC), 07-11 November 2022, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Eichenseer K., Sinnesael M., Smith M.R., and Millard A.R. (2022): Increasing temporal resolution with Bayesian chemostratigraphy. The 6th International Palaeontological Congress (IPC), 07-11 November 2022, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., and Jagt J.W.M. (2022): An update on the Maastrichtian Geoheritage Project. Cretaceous Symposium, 22-26 August 2022, Warsaw, Poland.
Esteves C.J.P., McLaughlin P.I., Velleman J.F.M., De Weirdt J., De Backer T., Klock C., Sinnesael M., Miller M., Bancroft A.M., Emsbo P., and Vandenbroucke T.R.A. (2022): Chitinozoan biostratigraphic advances in the type area of the North American Maysvillian Stage (Katian, Upper Ordovician). The Palaeontological Association, Annual Meeting 2022, 18-24 July 2022, Cork, Ireland.
Sinnesael M. and Laskar J. (2022): Integrating astronomical solutions and geological observations. EGU General Assembly, 23-27 May 2022, Online.
Claeys P., Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., and Zeeden C. (2022): CycloNet: European Cyclostratigraphy Network. EGU General Assembly, 23-27 May 2022, Online.
Sinnesael M., Percival L., Schulz T., Vellekoop J., Goderis S., Gao Y., Montanari A., Coccioni R., Koeberl C., and Claeys, P. (2021): Deep-marine records of Deccan Trap volcanism before, during, and after the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 10-13 October 2021, Portland, USA.
Claeys P., Goderis S., Kaskes P., De Graaff S., Dehais T., Sinnesael M., and de Winter N.J. (2021): From Gubbio to Chicxulub: K-Pg iridium anomaly comes full circle. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 10-13 October 2021, Portland, USA.
Vancoppenolle I., Vellekoop J., Doubrawa M., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Jagt J., Cleays P., and Speijer R.P. (2021): The mid-Maastrichtian event in the Maastrichtian-type area and its benthic foraminiferal response. 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, 15-17 September 2021, Tervuren, Belgium.
Van der Geest H., Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Jagt J., Degryse P., and Claeys P. (2021): Geochemistry and petrography of in-situ flints from the type-Maastrichtian (NE Belgium and SE Netherlands): implications for flint formation processes and flint provenancing. 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, 15-17 September 2021, Tervuren, Belgium.
Sinnesael M. (2021): Ordovician cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology: a synthesis. IGCP653 Closing Meeting – IGCP735 Opening Meeting, 13-16 September 2021, Lille, France.
Rasmussen C., Thibault N., Stouge S., Calner M., Rasmussen J., Lindskog A., Bauert H., Sinnesael M., Edward O., Bagnoli G., Siggaard-Andersen M.-L., Wu R., Bauert G. Ullmann C., Korte C., Schovsbo N., and Nielsen A. (2021): A temporal framework for the Mid–early Late Ordovician of Baltica. IGCP653 Closing Meeting – IGCP735 Opening Meeting, 13-16 September 2021, Lille, France.
Wouters S., Crucifix M., Sinnesael M., Da Silva A.-C., Zeeden C., Zivanovic M., Boulvain F., and Devleeschouwer X. (2021): A fast EEMD algorithm and decomposition quality criteria for paleoclimate signal analysis. Mathematics for Nonstationary Signals and applications in Geophysics and other fields (NoSAG) Summer School and Conference, 19-24 July 2021, L’Aquila, Italy.
Sinnesael M., Millard A.R., and Smith M.R. (2021): Astrochronology for the oldest Cambrian trilobites in Moroccan West Gondwana. EGU General Assembly, 19-30 April 2021, Online.
Sinnesael M., Millard A.R., and Smith M.R. (2021): An integrated Bayesian stratigraphic correlation approach for the Cambrian Explosion. EGU General Assembly, 19-30 April 2021, Online.
Vancoppenolle I., Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Jagt J., Doubrawa M., Speijer R.P. (2021): The benthic foraminiferal response to the mid-Maastrichtian event in the Maastrichtian-type area. EGU General Assembly, 19-30 April 2021, Online.
Huygh J., Vellekoop J., Sinnesael M., Kaskes P., Jagt J., and Claeys P. (2021): Cyclostratigraphy of a type-Maastrichtian chalk record, based on high-resolution geochemical analysis of the Gulpen Formation, NE Belgium. EGU General Assembly, 19-30 April 2021, Online.
Van der Geest H., Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Jagt J., Degryse P., and Claeys P. (2021): Petrographic and geochemical fingerprinting of flints from the type-Maastrichtian (SE Netherlands and NE Belgium): implications for flint formation and provenance. EGU General Assembly, 19-30 April 2021, Online.
Zeeden C., Sinnesael M., Li M., Ulfers A., and Wonik A. (2020): Systematically probing for Milanković cycles in borehole logging data. 36th International Geological Congress, 9-14 November, Delhi, India.
Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Jagt J.W.M., Speijer R.P., and Claeys P. (2020): A chemostratigraphic framework for the type-Maastrichtian. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday 05 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.
Wouters S., Crucifix M., Sinnesael M., Da Silva A.-C., Zeeden C., Zivanovic M., Boulvain F., and Devleeschouwer X. (2020): A posteriori verification methodology for astrochronology: a step further to improve the falsifiability of cyclostratigraphy. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday 05 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.
Nohl T., Steinbauer M., Sinnesael M., and Jarochowska E. (2020): Detecting original variations in calcite and aragonite input in limestone-marl alternations. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday 05 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.
Wonik T., Ulfers A., Sinnesael M., Li M., and Zeeden C. (2020): Detecting and using Milankovic cycles in borehole logging data: Comparing methods and application to Lake Ohrid. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday 05 May 2020, Vienna, Austria.
Wouters S., Boulvain F., Crucifix M., Da Silva A.-C., Laag C., Sinnesael M., Zeeden C., Zivanovic M., and Devleeschouwer X. (2020): Data reversibility in geology: applications in litho-, magneto- and cyclostratigraphy. The Congrès des Doctorants (CDD), 23-27 March 2020, Paris, France.
Zeeden C., Sinnesael M., Li M., Ulfers A., Wonik T. (2019): Towards systematic probing for Milankovic cycles in borehole logging data and complex settings. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Friday 13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., Claeys P., CIP-Participants (2019): The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls (Invited). AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Thursday 12 December 2019, San Francisco, USA.
Vellekoop J., Kaskes P., Sinnesael M., Déhais T., Jagt J.W.M., Speijer R.P., and Claeys P. (2020): The Maastrichtian Geoheritage Project: an introduction, first results and outlook. International Symposium on Chalk & Flint, Saturday 30 November 2019, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Goderis S., et al. (2019): The final settling of meteoritic matter on the peak-ring of the Chicxulub impact structure at site M0077A of IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, 30 September – 3 October, 2019, Brasilia, Brazil.
Sinnesael M., Desrochers A., Rasmussen C., Claeys P., and Vandenbroucke T.R.A. (2019): Identifying precession and obliquity cycles in the Ordovician? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-25 September 2019, Phoenix, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 5. doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-341409.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., Claeys P and the Cyclostraigraphy Intercomparison Project Participants (2019): The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls of cyclostratigraphy. Gordon Geochronology Conference, August 4-9, 2019, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA.
Sinnesael M., Mauviel A., Desrochers A., McLaughlin P., De Weirdt J., Vandenbroucke T.R.A. and Claeys P. (2019): Ordovician cyclostratigraphy: an example from the upper Katian Vauréal Formation, Anticosti Island (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada). 13th International Symposium on the Ordovician System, Saturday 20 July 2019, Novosibirisk, Russia.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., Claeys P and the Cyclostraigraphy Intercomparison Project Participants (2019): The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls of cyclostratigraphy. 3th International Congress on Stratigraphy: Strati 2019, Friday 05 July 2019, Milan, Italy.
Zeeden C., Sinnesael M., Li M., Ulfers A. and Wonik T. (2019): Towards systematic probing for Milankovic cycles in borehole logging data and complex settings. 3th International Congress on Stratigraphy: Strati 2019, Friday 05 July 2019, Milan, Italy.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., Claeys P and the Cyclostraigraphy Intercomparison Project Participants (2019): Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): Results. EGU General Assemblee, Friday 12 April 2019, Vienna.
Zeeden C., Sinnesael M., Li M., Ulfers A. and Wonik T. (2019): Borehole log cyclostratigraphy: towards systematic probing for Milankovic cycles in logging data. EGU General Assemblee, Wednesday 10 April 2019, Vienna.
Wouters S., Da Silva A.-C., Crucifix M., Sinnesael M., Zivanovic M., Boulvain F., and Devleeschouwer F. (2019): Litholog generation with the StratigrapheR package and signal decomposition for cyclostratigraphic purposes. EGU General Assemblee, Wednesday 10 April 2019, Vienna.
Rasmussen C., Sinnesael M., Thibault N., Stouge S., Siggaard-Andersen M.-L., and Schovsbo N. (2019): An imprint of astronomical climate forcing in the Baltoscandian Middle Ordovician ‘orthoceratite limestone’? EGU General Assemblee, Wednesday 10 April 2019, Vienna.
Zeeden C., Ulfers A., Sinnesael M., Li M., Wonik T. (2019): Evolutive methods in cyclostratigraphy: probing for Milankovic cycles in continental (complex) settings. IODP/ICDP Kolloquium Köln vom 18.03. – 20.03.2019.
De Cort G., Mees F., Renaut R.W., Sinnesael M., Van der Meeren T., Goderis S., Keppens E., Mbuthia A., Verschuren D. (2018): Late-Holocene sedimentation and sodium-carbonate deposition in the hypersaline alkaline lake Nasikie Engida, southern Kenya Rift Valley. AGU Fall Meeting, 10-14 December 2018, Washington D.C., USA.
Sinnesael M., McLaughlin P.I., Brett C.E., Vandenbroucke T.R.A., and Claeys P. (2018): Testing the reproducibility of cyclostratigraphic signals across a facies gradient (Upper Ordovician Kope Fm, Cincinnati region, USA). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 03-07 November 2018, Indianapolis, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-320340.
Young A.L., McLaughlin P.I., Sinnesael M., Brett C.E., Dattilo B., and Holterhoff P.F. (2018): Chemostratigraphic (δ13Ccarb) trends and abnormalities in upper Ordovician (Katian) deep subtidal facies: “diagenetic noise” or rapid lateral changes in time-rock fabric? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 03-07 November 2018, Indianapolis, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-324287.
Sinnesael M., Mauviel A., Desrochers A., McLaughlin P., De Weirdt J., Vandenbroucke T.R.A. and Claeys P. (2018): Upper Katian cyclostratigraphy of the Vauréal Formation, Anticosti Island (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada). IGCP652 Annual Meeting, September 18-19, 2018. MARUM, Bremen, Germany.
da Silva A.-C., De Vleeschouwer D., Percival L., Sinnesael M., De Winter N., and Claeys P. (2018): Astrochronology of the Frasnian-‐Famennian boundary section (Late Devonian) at Steinbruch Schmidt. IGCP652 Annual Meeting, September 18-19, 2018. MARUM, Bremen, Germany.
De Vleeschouwer D., Da Silva A.-C., Sinnesael M., Chen D., Day J., Whalen M., Guo Z., and Claeys P. (2018): Timing and pacing of the Late Devonian mass extinction event regulated by eccentricity and obliquity. IGCP652 Annual Meeting, September 18-19, 2018. MARUM, Bremen, Germany.
da Silva A.-C., De Vleeschouwer D., Percival L., Sinnesael M., De Winter N., and Claeys P. (2018): Astrochronology and chemostratigraphy for the Frasnian-‐Famennian boundary section (Late Devonian) at Steinbruch Schmidt. IPC, July 9-13, 2018. Paris, France.
De Cort G., Verschuren D., Renaut R.W., Sinnesael M., Van der Meeren T., Mbuthia A., Keppens E., Goderis S., and Mees F. (2018): Late-Holocene sedimentation and sodium-carbonate deposition in saline alkaline Nasikie Engida, southern Kenya Rift Valley. IPA-IAL 2018, June 18-21, 2018. Stockholm, Sweden.
Sinnesael M., Mauviel A., Desrochers A., McLaughlin P., De Weirdt J., Claeys P. and Vandenbroucke T.R.A. (2018): Upper Katian cyclostratigraphy of the Vauréal Formation, Anticosti Island (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada). IGCP653 Annual Meeting, June 3-7, 2018. Ohio University, Athens, USA.
McLaughlin P.I., Bancroft A.M., Emsbo P., Vandenbroucke T.R.A., Brett C.E., Young A., Sinnesael M., De Weirdt J., De Backer T., Williams M., Witzke B.J., and Rine M. (2018): US midcontinent Upper Ordovician integrated chronostratigraphy project: introduction and advances. IGCP653 Annual Meeting, June 3-7, 2018. Ohio University, Athens, USA.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C. and Claeys P. (2018): Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): case studies. EGU General Assemblee, Friday 13 April 2018, Vienna.
Sinnesael M., Mauviel A., Desrochers A., McLaughlin P., De Weirdt J., Vandenbroucke T.R.A., and Claeys P. (2018): Upper Ordovician Astronomical Climate Forcing from the Vauréal Formation, Anticosti Island, East Canada. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday 10 April 2018, Vienna.
de Winter N.J., Sinnesael M., Vansteenberge S., Goderis S., Snoeck C., Van Malderen S.J.M., Vanhaecke F., and Claeys P. (2017): Rhythmic patterns in ancient shells: Can we reconstruct sub-annual cyclisity in trace element and stable isotope profiles from rudist bivalves? AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, USA.
Claeys P., De Winter N.J., Goderis S., Sinnesael M., Wittmann A., and Smit J. (2017): The upper part of the suevite and intermediate layer at site M0077A, IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 into the peak ring of the Chicxulub crater (Yucatan, Mexica). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-25 October 2017, Seattle, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-301965.
Pas D., Hinnov L., Day J.E., Kodama K., Sinnesael M., and Liu W. (2017): Astronomical calibration of the Fammenian (Upper Devonian) time scale. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-25 October 2017, Seattle, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-306730.
Sinnesael M., Mauviel A., Desrochers A., McLaughlin P., De Weirdt J., Vandenbroucke T.R.A., and Claeys P. (2017): Cyclostratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician Vauréal Formation, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-25 October 2017, Seattle, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-302947.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., and Claeys P. (2017): Reproducibility in cyclostratigraphy: initiating an intercomparison project. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-25 October 2017, Seattle, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-295937.
Montanari A., Sinnesael M., Koeberl C., Wegner W. and Claeys P. (2017): Multi-proxy Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event stratigraphy: thee Gubbio and other Umbria-Marche basin sections. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-25 October 2017, Seattle, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-302965.
De Vleeschouwer D., Da Silva A.-C., Sinnesael M., Chen D., Day J., Whalen M., Guo Z., and Claeys P. (2017): Obliquity-pacing of the Late Devonian mass extinction event. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-12 October 2017, Toulouse, France.
Pas D., Hinnov L., Day J.E., Kodama K., Sinnesael M., and Liu W. (2017): Cyclostratigraphic calibration of the Late Devonian time scale. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-12 October 2017, Toulouse, France.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Zeeden C., and Claeys P. (2017): Reproducibility in cyclostratigraphy: initiating an intercomparison project. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-12 October 2017, Toulouse, France.
Claeys P., Goderis S., de Winter N., Sinnesael M., Kaskes P., de Graaff S., Smit J. (2017): Chixculub: old and recent results to document the best peak-ring crater on Earth. GSA Penrose Conference, 25-29 September 2017, Apiro, Italy.
Sinnesael M., Montanari M., de Winter N.J., Snoeck C., and Claeys P. (2017): Applying and evaluating the use of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) measurements on pelagic carbonates: Maastrichtian strata from the Bottaccione Gorge, Gubbio, Italy. GSA Penrose Conference, 25-29 September 2017, Apiro, Italy.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Coccioni R., Claeys P., Frontalini F., Jovane L., Savain J.F., and Montanari A. (2017): High-resolution multiproxy cyclostratigraphic analysis of environmental and climatic events across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the classic pelagic succession of Gubbio (Italy). GSA Penrose Conference, 25-29 September 2017, Apiro, Italy.
Sinnesael M., Montanari A., Koeberl C., Wegner W. and Claeys P. (2017): Multi-proxy Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event stratigraphy: thee Gubbio and other Umbria-Marche basin sections. GSA Penrose Conference, 25-29 September 2017, Apiro, Italy.
De Cort G., Verschuren D., Rycken E., Wolff C., Robin R.W., Creutz M., Van der Meeren T., Haug G., Olaga D., Sinnesael M., Goderis S., Keppens E., and Mees F. (2017): A 1,300-year moisture-balance reconstruction from the dry eastern rift valley of East Africa: the sediment record of hypersaline Lake Bogoria. PIMP4, 25-29 September 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
De Vleeschouwer, D., Da Silva, A.-C., Sinnesael, M., Chen, D., Day, J.E., Whalen, M.T., Guo, Z., and Claeys, P., (2017): Obliquity-pacing of the Late Devonian mass extinction event. 42. ordentlichen Sitzung der Subkommission für Devon-Stratigraphie, Thu, 4 May 2017.
Sinnesael, M., De Vleeschouwer, D., Zeeden, C., and Claeys, P., (2017): Reproducibility in cyclostratigraphy: initiating an intercomparison project. EGU General Assemblee, Wednesday 26 April 2017, Vienna.
Sinnesael, M., Loi, A., Dabard, M.-P., Vandenbroucke, T., and Claeys, P. (2017): Cyclostratigraphic analysis of the Middle to Late Ordovician Postolonnec Formation in the Armorican Massif (France): integrating pXRF, gamma-ray and lithological data. EGU General Assemblee, Monday 24 April 2017, Vienna.
Sinnesael, M., Desrochers, A., McLaughlin, P., Mauviel, A., Vandenbroucke, T. R. A., and Claeys, P. (2016): Orbital climate forcing in the Late Ordovician, Anticosti Island. International Geoscience Programme Project 591 - Closing Meeting, July 6-9, 2016. UGent, Gent, Belgium.
Sinnesael M., Zivanovic, M., De Vleeschouwer D., Claeys P., and Schoukens, J. (2016): Orbital component extraction by time-variant sinusoidal modeling. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday, 19 April 2016, 17:30 - 19:00, Poster in Session SSP2.4 The Need for Integrated Stratigraphy - Recent advances in cyclostratigraphy, astrochronology, radio-isotopic dating and age modelling (including Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal Lecture).
de Winter N., Sinnesael, M., Makarova, C. and Claeys, P. (2016): Performance of portable XRF and micro-XRF on carbonates. EGU General Assemblee, Tuesday, 19 April 2016, 17:30 - 19:00, Poster in Session SSP2.3 Carbonate systems: records and responses to global change (sponsored by IAS and SEPM).
Sinnesael M., Montanari A., & Claeys P. (2016): New XRF data for the upper Maastrichtian in Gubbio, Bottaccionne section, central Italy. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Mons, January 26-29, 2016, Belgium.
Sinnesael M. & Claeys P. (2015): Understanding rapid climate variations during the Late Ordovician (~450 million years ago) in terms of astronomical forcing. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 6th Belgian Geography 2015 - Reseachers Day, November 13nd 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Sinnesael M., Mauviel A., Desrochers A., Vandenbroucke T.R.A., Claeys P. (2015): Understanding rapid climate variations during the Late Ordovician in terms of astronomical forcing. 5th Annual Meeting of the IGCP591, July 8-11, 2015. INRS Centre Eau Terre Environnement (INRS-ETE), Quebec City, Canada.
Sinnesael M. & Claeys P. (2015): Understanding rapid climate variations during the Late Ordovician (~450 million years ago) in terms of astronomical forcing. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Doctoral School of Natural Sciences and (Bioscience) Engineering (NSE), PhD Day, May 22nd 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Sinnesael M., Montanari A., De Vleeschouwer D., Coccioni R., and Claeys P. (2014): Astronomical influence on climate change through the latest Maastrichtian: A high-resolution multiproxy cyclostratigraphic study at Gubbio (Italy). AGU Fall Meeting, 15-20 December, 2014, Monday, 15 December 2014, 1:40 PM - 6:00 PM, PP13A: Ocean Climate Dynamics: Carbon Cycle and Oxygenation Perturbations III Posters, Moscone West; Poster Hall, San Francisco, USA.
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Montanari A., Coccioni R., and Claeys P. (2014): The astronomical influence on climate change across the K-Pg boudary: A cyclostratigraphic study of the late Maastrichtian – early Paleocene at the Umbria – Marche Basin (Apennine mountains, Central Italy). Workshop IsoAstro, 18-23 August, Madison University, Wisconsin, USA.
Masterthesis (2014): The astronomical influence on climate change across the K-Pg boudary: A cyclostratigraphic study of the late Maastrichtian – early Paleocene at the Umbria – Marche Basin (Apennine mountains, Central Italy).
Sinnesael M., De Vleeschouwer D., Montanari A., Coccioni R., and Claeys P. (2013): The astronomical influence on climate change across the KT boundary: A cyclostratigraphic study of the late Maastrichtian - early Paleocene in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Apennine mountains, central Italy): Poster in the workshop “Transient Changes in Past Climates on the 10th Cioppino Conference”, Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology, July 21, 2013, Urbino, Italy.
De Vleeschouwer D., Da Silva A.C., Boulvain F., Crucifix M., Belza J., Sinneseal M. & Claeys P. (2012): Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr) versus magnetic susceptibility at the Mid-Devonian La Couvinoise section: Does the astronomical interpretation stand? Poster in Session 3. Magnetic susceptibility: a high resolution stratigraphic tool during greenhouse periods. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012. 11-14 September 2012, Brussels
Bachelorthesis (2012): Stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) in the Mid-Devonian 'La Couvinoise' section (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium): Comparison with magnetic susceptibility and astronomical interpretations.