(Trinity College Dublin)
Media & Outreach
2023, June 30: Press release on participation to IODP Exp. 395 (link).
2022, March 30: Media on ‘Vellekoop et al. (2022), Newsletter on Stratigraphy: various Belgian media (link)
2021, February 24: Media on ‘Goderis et al. (2021), Science Advances’: various international outlets (link).
2020, October 06: Press release for my PhD (link).
2020, February 05: Media on ‘de Winter et al. (2020), Paleoclimatology and Paleooceanography’: various international outlets (link).
2020, February 07: Media on `Vansteenberge et al. (2020), Climate of the Past’: various Belgian newspapers and television channels, e.g., RTL television (link).
2019, August 16: Maastrichtian Geohertiage Project (De Standaard – Nederlandse Omroep Stichting – 1Limburg) (link).
2018, October 09: IGCP652 Field Trip Movie (8:12 min) (link).
2018, September 18, : EOS Wetenschap (link).
2018, January 03: Media on ‘De Vleeschouwer et al. (2017), Nature Communications’: Het Laatste Nieuws (newspaper, NL), De Morgen (newspaper, NL), LeVIF (newspaper, FR), Wtnschp (blog), Henri (Vrije Universiteit Brussel magazine) (link).
2017, May 16: Research visit to Prof. Miroslav Zivanovic @ Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), Spain, UPNA press-release (link).
2015, September 23: ‘Wtnschp’, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Science blog (link).